Marketplace - British Florist Association


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For Book Orders

  • All books that appear on the website are currently in stock and are normally dispatched within 14 days from the date of ordering but please allow 28 days before contacting us on regarding any non-deliveries.
  • All our books are checked thoroughly prior to dispatch to ensure they are in top quality condition (unless you have purchased a product which has been stated as damaged). Any damages that have therefore occurred in transit should be reported to us on receipt by email for advice on the appropriate action. In this instance we will of course refund you the return postage and forward a fresh copy (Or goods if sundries) to you upon receipt and confirmation of damage claim. Please obtain proof of postage when returning your order.
  • Many of our books are bubble wrapped, so should there be a printers fault on any of the pages, please let us know as soon as possible. In these instances, we will refund you the return postage and forward a fresh copy to you upon receipt of damaged/faulty book.

For BFA Collection Digital Copy/Web Image Orders

  • You will receive this online copy within 10 working days via WeTransfer. Please note WeTransfer downloads expire after 7 days.
  • You are not permitted to resell the British florist Association Collection without the express permission of the BFA. Reselling of the British Florist Association Collection will bring you into default of the terms and conditions agreement.
  • All British Florist Association services including website and e-commerce applications remain the intellectual property of the BFA.

Currently, it is not possible for you to change or cancel your order online, however, you can do so by emailing us, making sure that you state all essential details including the order ref number, your name, address, contact details and product(s) ordered, so that we can track your order easily.

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